Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Article 1 – Preamble

The company Agronomic (hereinafter “The Publisher”), concerned with the rights of individuals, and in a desire for total transparency, has set up a confidentiality policy explaining the way in which the personal data of users of the site (hereinafter “the Site”), the purposes pursued by these treatments, as well as the means of action made available to individuals so that they can best exercise their rights.

Personal data means any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a name, an identification number, or to one or more specific elements specific to their physical, physiological, genetic, psychological identity, economic, cultural or social.

This privacy policy supplements the legal notices and general conditions of use that users can consult on the following page: Legal notices.

1.1. Definitions

User (hereinafter “the User”): Internet user connecting and using the site. All Internet users who connect, browse, read, view and use the site are considered users.

Article 2 – Management of personal data

The user is informed of the regulations concerning marketing communication, the law of June 21, 2014 for confidence in the Digital Economy, the Data Protection and Freedom law of August 6, 2004 as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: n ° 2016-679).

Article 3 – Data collected

The data is only collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data and is limited to what is strictly necessary. Each time personal data is collected, the user is informed that their data is being collected, and for what reasons their data is being collected.
The collection and processing of data is carried out to meet one or more objectives determined in advance, and only the data necessary for the proper execution of the objectives pursued by the site are collected (data minimization).

The personal data collected on the site are as follows:

– IP address (anonymized)
– Contact details (name, email address, telephone number)

This data is collected when the user performs one of the following operations on the site:

– When the user connects to the site
– When the user validates the sending of an information request form


Article 4 – Purposes of the data collected

The collection and processing of data serves the following purposes:

– The IP address is collected for statistical purposes, for managing the optimization of the site, to prevent and fight against computer fraud in the event of deemed abnormal use of the site’s forms. The IP address is collected to determine the city from which the user is connecting. This is immediately anonymized after use and the site editor can therefore under no circumstances trace it back to a natural person.

– Contact details, telephone number and e-mail address are collected in the event of validation of an information request form for the management of relations with the user and, where applicable, for the management of quotes or requests. orders.


Article 5 – Data transmission

The publisher does not sell users’ personal data, which is therefore only used out of necessity or for statistical and analysis purposes. The personal data collected by the site are not transmitted to any third party, and are only processed by the site editor.

The publisher is prohibited from processing, hosting or transferring information collected about its users to a country located outside the European Union or recognized as “inadequate” by the European Commission without first informing users. However, the publisher remains free to choose its technical and commercial subcontractors, provided that they provide sufficient guarantees with regard to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: n° 2016-679).

Personal data may nevertheless be shared with third party companies, exclusively in the European Union, in the following cases:

– When the site uses the services of service providers to provide assistance, advertising or online payment services. These service providers have limited access to user data, as part of the performance of these services, and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable data protection regulations. personal character.

– If required by law, the site may transmit data to follow up on claims made against the site and to comply with administrative and legal procedures.


Article 6 – Data retention

The publisher will keep user data in a secure environment for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and in compliance with current regulations.

To the extent reasonably necessary or required to satisfy legal or regulatory obligations, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse or enforce terms and conditions, the publisher may also retain certain information for an additional period.


Article 7 – Data security

The publisher undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the information and in particular to ensure that it is not communicated to unauthorized persons. However, if an incident impacting the integrity or confidentiality of user information is brought to the publisher’s attention, the latter must inform users as soon as possible and communicate to them the corrective measures taken. Furthermore, the site does not collect any “sensitive data”.

Within the limits of their respective responsibilities and for the purposes mentioned above, the main people likely to have access to user data are mainly the publisher’s customer service agents.


Article 8 – User rights

In accordance with current European regulations, users of the site have numerous rights related to personal data. Users have in particular the right to access their data, to correct any errors, as well as the right to have personal data erased, to limit their processing or to object to it. Users also have the right to withdraw consent, to object to receiving marketing materials in the future, and in certain circumstances, the right to ensure that the information is transferred to Users or is transferred to a third.

– Right of access, right of rectification: The user has the right to access the personal data that the publisher holds about them, to have their personal data rectified if they are inaccurate, obsolete or incomplete.

– Right to erasure, right to be forgotten: The user has the right to have their data erased or deleted. This right may, however, be limited by a legal reason or a legitimate interest of the publisher in retaining personal data.

– Right of opposition: The user has the right to request the limitation or to oppose the processing of his data by the site, without the site being able to refuse, unless it demonstrates the existence of legitimate and compelling reasons, which may prevail over the interests and rights and freedoms of the user.

– Right to withdraw consent for data processing based on consent: The user may withdraw their consent relating to the processing of their data at any time when this processing is based on consent.

– Right to data portability: The user has the right to move, copy or transfer data held by the site to another site. This right only applies to data provided by the user and when this data is subject to automated processing based on their consent or on a contract.

– Right to determine the fate of data after death: The user can organize what should happen to his collected and processed data if he dies and to choose, if he wishes, whether the publisher will have to communicate his data to a third party that he has previously designated.

8.1. Applications of rights

If the user wishes to know how the publisher uses their personal data, or request to rectify them, oppose their processing or delete them, they can contact the Data Protection Officer who is available to users for any questions. question relating to the protection of personal data.

Any request must be accompanied by a photocopy of a valid, signed identity document and mention the address at which the publisher can contact the requester. The response will be sent within one month of receipt of the request. This one month period may be extended by 2 (two) months if the complexity of the request requires it.

Requests for deletion of personal data will be subject to the obligations imposed on the publisher by law, in particular with regard to the conservation or archiving of documents.

8.2. Claim

In the event that the data controller decides not to respond to the user’s request, and the user wishes to contest this decision, or, if he believes that one of the rights listed above, he is entitled to refer the matter to the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties) or any competent judge.

Users can file a complaint with the supervisory authorities, and in particular the CNIL, at the following address:


Article 9 – Data Protection Officer

The role of the Data Protection Officer is to ensure the proper implementation of national and supranational provisions relating to the collection and processing of personal data. He can also be named DPO (for Data Protection Officer).

The user is informed that the following person has been appointed Data Protection Officer by the site editor: VERMERSCH Tim. The data protection officer can be reached by e-mail at the following address: agronomic| or by post at the following address: AGRONOMIC – 16 Bis Grande Rue – 02190 AMIFONTAINE / FRANCE


Article 10 – Changes to the privacy policy

This privacy policy can be consulted at any time by users of the site. The publisher reserves the right to modify it in order to guarantee its compliance with current law. Therefore, users are invited to regularly consult this privacy policy in order to stay informed of any changes that may be made.

This privacy policy was last updated on: 02/07/2019.